God Always Finishes What He Starts
God’s purposes are being accomplished. He is not the “lame duck” God some people make him out to be. He is in control and things are going as he has planned. There is never a time when the will of God is not being done. People may not always prove faithful to the tasks he gives them, but God’s plans are not subject to the plans and actions of man. He has never been out of control. People may say, “Where is your God? He has no say in what I do?” Think again, God is bringing humanity to a completion point. As the Bible says, “He always achieves his purpose” (Isaiah 55:11). People tend to dismiss God’s part in their lives, and ignore him and think they control their own destiny, but in reality God is working out his plan in the backgrounds of their lives. He is ever the wise and caring Father looking after his children. A verse in the Bible states, “Now unto him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” (Jude 1:24).
God finishes what he starts. The prophecies he made thousands of years ago are still in the process of working themselves out under his direction. When Jesus died on the cross, it looked like his plan had failed, but it was all part of the plan of mankind’s salvation. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He also said, “I have done everything the Father has asked me to do.” Jesus was successful in what he did. The missionary Paul wrote centuries ago, “I have finished the race.” He was a winner. Paul accomplished what God asked him to do. Likewise, as God’s children, we are part of the winner’s circle. We too will have a successful outcome for our lives. All God’s children succeed in life. As the Bible says, “We are more than victors through him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). It is nice to know that no matter what happens to you in life; you will be a winner. God wants us to know this. He does not want us to live life with a defeated attitude. He wants us to rise above the circumstances and declare ourselves winners in him. Even death cannot hinder our walk to the victory circle. God says, “I have begun a good work in you, and I will bring it to completion” (Philippians 1:6). We march through life to victory. The prize of eternal life awaits us, and nothing can change our destiny. We are destined to win! This is the positive attitude of faith: God accomplishes what he sets out to do. He will save us and give us eternal life. What a destiny awaits us!