Spiritual Reflections

These posts are my daily reflections of what I think about during my journey through life. They are my perspectives on life and the problems I face. I hope they cause others to reflect on their journey, and maybe even give them some help during their adventure of life.

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Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Please note: the content of these postings are my own position and thinking, and do not necessarily represent the position of any organization that I am associated with.

Friday, June 11, 2004

The Way to a Better Life

Living to please God is the best way to live, for in pleasing Him we do the things that are best for us. God does not give us commands to enslave us, but in order to live a life that benefits us and those around us. God does not have an ego that demands us to be servants, nor does He need us to follow his commands for his benefit. He is quite capable of doing what needs to be done by himself. If it was not for his great love for us, he could quite happily exist without giving us a second thought.
However, because he is a God of love, he cannot leave us to our own destructive ways. Many people are like willful teenagers or stubborn toddlers. They rebel against any advice or direction from their parents. Now, I will admit that some parents are not very good at parenting and give bad advice, but God will never give us bad advice or direct us in a way of harm (Romans 8:28). If fact, the Bible says that God has lavished his love upon us, but mostly we want to do our own thing and not follow his ways. A life without God does not have a good track record. God will always show us the right way. Life is short don’t waste it on yourself. Life can be full of purpose and great satisfaction.
God instructs us in the best ways of life. He never makes mistakes, nor does He have self-serving motives. God wants us to have a successful and abundant happy life, so do not shun his commands or be suspicious of his purposes for you. He does not want obedient robots. God gave us free-will to demonstrate that He wants people to follow him by their own free choice. If you ignore him long enough, he may ignore you and leave you to your own ways. Many people have a thing about following good advice. They think they know better. It is sad that we have an all loving God who knows about everything and loves us with an unfailing love, and people just ignore what He has to say to them. He gives us advice like: “No one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him” (1 Thessalonians 4:6). God could force you to do his will, but He does not do you any wrong or try to take advantage of you. Why? Because he loves you and cares about you. He wants you to live life to its fullest and experience the greatest happiness. Turn to Him. Trust Him. Obey Him. Then, get ready to live the most exciting and most adventurous life possible. As Jesus Christ said, “I have come so that you can have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).


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