God is Wonderful Beyond Comprehension
Why do people get so angry, when you talk about God? The people who complain the loudest seem to have the least understanding of who God really is. They get so upset, but their mouths show that they do not have the slightest idea of who God is. They have preconceived ideas that cloud their thinking. They blame God for everything from their own personal failings to global catastrophes. Even Insurance companies, when some great disaster strikes, say it was an act of God. In reality, they are just looking for a way not to pay an insurance claim. Likewise, people deny God, because acknowledging Him brings responsibilities into their lives. Their blaming and complaining is only a way to escape their duties to God and to others.
Charles Stanley wrote, "When you and I comprehend the heart of our Father—who He is and how He operates—we will never live our lives the same way again. In fact, it is impossible to lead mundane, passionless lives once we begin to discover the fullness of God's nature." To see and know God is to change who we are and what we do, for God reveals the purpose for our existence. It does beyond self-interest and self-love. It means loving God and those around us. We see the needs of others as more important than our own. We want to live a life of loving service to others. Why? It is by faith that we get a glimpse of the glory of God and see the wonder of who He is, and we are challenged to live life on a higher plain. To see God is to love Him, and to love him is to love others. When we love God and love others, we then start to love ourselves in a proper way. We see ourselves as the children of God, who are capable of living a sacrificial life of love towards other people.
The Bible proclaims, "Who is like you, Lord, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders. In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling" (Exodus 15:11-13). In reality, God is the good guy. He is not out to harm or enslave us. He just wants us to live together in a loving safe family. He is a powerful heavenly Father, who looks after his children with kindness and understanding. Praise to his holy name.
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