I Can Do Great Things
I can do all things in Christ - Anytime we have a huge job to do. We get overpowered by our fear of failure. A voice within us says, “You cannot do it. You do not have what it takes. You need to realize your limitations. You are reaching beyond your abilities.” However, the Scriptures do not give us such a viewpoint. They are more precise. The say, “It is impossible.” Spirituality is impossible for us. As the Scriptures say, “All have sinned a fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Holiness is impossible for a man to achieve. Why? “They have become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one” (verse 12). If there is no hope, what can we do?
Our hope is in God, for nothing is impossible for him to do. In him, we are able to do the impossible. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” (Philippians 4:19). Our sufficiency is in Christ alone. In our weakness, God in Christ gives us the power necessary to achieve the job God has given us to do. “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works” (Ephesians 2:10). Our ability comes from God through grace. The gift of the Holy Spirit cleanses and motivates us to live better lives, and to express eternal life to others through our lives today. God uses us as channels of his grace to others. Christlikeness is not being like Christ, but doing the works of our heavenly Father as Christ did them. Jesus said, “We must do the work of him who sent me” (John 9:4). I do what my Father does” (John 10: 37). “I do exactly what my Father has commanded me” (John 14:31). Obedience to the Father is true Christlikeness, and this is the source of our spiritual enthusiasm or zeal, for “nothing is impossible for God.” We are doing the work of the Father that he may be glorified by his glory in us. As we live in the power of the Holy Spirit, we show the world God’s glory (John 14:20-23). Without Christ we have no particular power to accomplish God’s work. We are common everyday people, but in Christ we can do glorious things.
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