Enough is Enough - It is time to stand up for ourselves
The church has been silent too long. We have allowed others to dictate what we should do and think? We are told that we are too pushy with our beliefs and moral judgments. Yet, as I see it, it has been the other way around. We are judged for being judgmental, but those attacking us are telling us that we are wrong and we need to change. We have been made to feel shame for thinking like God thinks. The concepts of love and faith are sneered at, but there are standards to maintain and truths worth standing up for. I say enough of this nonsense; enough is enough. It is time for the church to fight back and stop being so passive. The silent majority of the church needs to stand up and express themselves. It is time to stop the intimidation of unbelievers. They say we should not dictate how people live and think, but they do it all the time. They criticize us for trying to do what they are doing. Well, I say it is time for people with morals to stop hiding in the closet. It is time for Christian believers to come out of the closet and stand up for themselves. It is time to stand up for what is right!
Our society is in a downward spiral. Crime and drug use are the trademarks of our society. It may even eventually become the law to be immoral. People are hiding in their homes behind bars from criminal activities. Computer games push violence as the solution to all problems. We may criticize Middle East Muslims, but one thing they have right. Western culture is the great Satan. Western society is marked by immorality, greed and drinking. “Love your neighbor as yourself” has become “exploit your neighbor for yourself.” We have an abusive culture that exploits the world’s resources, so that we can live in pleasure and abundance. Our society’s media generates the environment of relational dysfunction; even the poor can be prosecuted for asking for mercy on the streets. We blame them for their own destruction, but fail to see that our society does not love its neighbor. It is time for a new perception. It is time for the church to rise up and fight the opposition. All members of our society have rights, and it is time to express them. Our democracy has become representative dictatorship, where the minority forces the majority into compliance through bribery and intimidation. People are judged for standing up for what is right. The Bible is mocked for telling people to love one another and stand up for truth. Justice and righteousness have become word of derision, and caring for the poor has been replaced by ideas of “profitability” and “cost cutting.” The idea of lowering your own living standard to benefit others is a joke in our society’s outlook on life.
When all is said and done, answer the questions: Is our society any better off now than it was decades ago? Has the free thinking, no moral judgment experiment worked? Are the crime rates and moral structures of our society any better? The experiment of leaving the “morality” of the Bible has failed. A society without God has no hope in its future. Just look at Hollywood’s vision of the future. It is a world without hope and without faith in God. It is a world destroyed by man’s greed and violence. Love, kindness and peace are not in their vision. The Christian has a more productive vision; a vision of love, hope and faith; a world where people care about each other and live in harmony; a world where justice and righteousness mark the people. It is time to spread a new vision and a new hope for our future. It is time for Christians to stand against the tide of injustice and intimidation. I urge you to stand up and be counted, and tell people what you believe is true and right. Express yourself; it is your right!
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