Spiritual Reflections

These posts are my daily reflections of what I think about during my journey through life. They are my perspectives on life and the problems I face. I hope they cause others to reflect on their journey, and maybe even give them some help during their adventure of life.

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Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Please note: the content of these postings are my own position and thinking, and do not necessarily represent the position of any organization that I am associated with.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

What is True Religion?

Jesus gave a whole new focus to religion. He demonstrated that religion was about relationships with other people. It is not just about keeping a bunch of rules and traditions. It is about loving your neighbor, and going the extra mile to help others. Jesus pointed out by his ministry that religion is about matters of the heart.
God does not demand obedience for our subservience, but that we can have a full life of joy and happiness. He knows that if we live in a certain way, we will experience peace and fulfillment. Obedience to God is a matter for our benefit and well-being. He does not want to limit us or control our lives. He wants us to live life to the full. Mercy and grace are the primary attributes God has for us. He desires us to have a good and satisfying life. Forgiveness and love are the feelings he has for us. Like any good and loving Father, he wants the best for us.
Why then do men hate and despise him? What is it that people do not like about God? He is a pretty nice guy, once you get to know him. He is our Father and he is concerned about us, and what is happening in our lives. But, God does respect our desires, and even with all his power if you turn away from him, God will not force you back. You are free to live your life without him, but what a rich and glorious life you will miss. God is a wonderful companion and friend. He is the ideal parent and will shower us with gifts, if we receive them.
However, most people do not realize the life they pass up, because they desire to do their own thing and live their lives as they choose. By avoiding God, they are like children of a rich father not sharing in the family fortune. They ignore the riches and blessings God has for them, and live lives of poverty and need. Now, I am not talking about money here. I am talking about the true riches of life. People have settled for the false riches of money and power, when the real riches are in relationships with other people. Eternal life is not about prosperity forever, but about being with loved ones and enjoying their company and companionship for eternity.


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