The Vision of Faith
What is life all about? This is an interesting question to which many people have given various answers throughout the centuries of human existence. Jesus Christ gave a very simple reason for our existence; to love God, those around us, and ourselves. This is a simple answer, but a difficult mandate to fulfill. Our society specializes in the theory of living life for our own pleasure and happiness. It is true that some people do live to benefit their family members, but this altruism does not usually extend to society as a whole. Although there are some people who do good to those outside their family circle, the majority of people live for their own benefit. This desire to promote the happiness of ourselves and those close to us is in part due to the fact that all people are created in the image of God, and desire to some extent a better life for themselves and others around them. The innate desire is to have a satisfying life with meaning and safety. However, without a clear understanding this desire has been corrupted and turned into selfishness, and misdirected lives which bring sorrow and suffering to ourselves and those around us.
The Bible is clear in its intention of what God wants us to do, but many people try to corrupt this message to their own benefit. God has been made out to be a stern and hateful towards men. His main intent is misrepresented to be controlling and harsh. Although God does not tolerate wickedness and does punish evil doers, his main intention is that of love and tender heartedness. His sternness is that of a loving protective Father who cares for his children, and provides for their well being. Hell itself is not only an expression of judgment against evil, but that of protective isolation. God will not allow wicked and evil people to harass his children throughout eternity. He keeps his children safe and protected from the evil that exists in the children and demons of Satan. Instead, the people of God will live in the joy of the heavenly Father’s presence, and have a life of full abundance and provision. Evil and hate will no longer harm them, for “the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:3-4). Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life, and have it more abundantly.” This is the promise and it will come true, for God loves his children and will care for them forever and ever.